SPARTA launches data associate and engineer pathways

Posted on 08 March 2022

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Project Smarter Philippines through Data Analytics, R&D, Training, and Adoption (SPARTA) launched its data associate and data engineer pathways on February 18, 2022 via the Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube platforms.

Course Development Head Benny Rose Ubas underscored Coursebank's commitment in upskilling the Filipino workforce through SPARTA's online data science and analytics (DSA) courses.

“We, at Coursebank, strive to build and launch more impactful learning programs so that opportunities will be readily made available to the Filipino workforce,” Ubas said in her opening message.

Meanwhile, Analytics Association of the Philippines Executive Director Sherwin Pelayo discussed the courses and potential industry roles under the two pathways.

Pelayo also urged scholars to persevere in completing their pathways. “Just a call to everyone to enroll now and complete your pathway whether data associate or data engineer pathway. The message is clear: you will have job opportunities whatever pathway you have chosen...take time to complete your pathway the soonest that you can,” he said.

Pelayo and SPARTA Deputy Project Manager Nikko Visperas responded to the questions of the attendees during the open forum.

Development Academy of the Philippines Vice President and SPARTA Project Lead, Dr. Alan Cajes, formally concluded the virtual event with this message: “To our scholars, may you be further inspired by these discussions from today. Strive hard to finish your pathways, earn certificates and credentials, and improve your skills as professionals. As you sharpen your skills and overall competencies, and gain new knowledge, we are certain that the rewards and future possibilities are promising and bountiful.”

SPARTA now has five completed pathways and 28 released courses. Stay tuned for more DSA courses and data-driven events aimed to foster the country’s DSA ecosystem.