
Domain Knowledge: Analytics Project Management

This microspecialization aims to train learners in the application of knowledge, tools, and insights related to analytics project management. Graduates are expected to exhibit knowledge on project management processes, the efforts required for each process group, and best practices to successfully i...

Domain Knowledge: Finance and Risk

This microspecialization aims to train learners in the application of knowledge, tools, and insights related to finance and risk. Graduates of this microspecialization should exhibit knowledge and skills in combining statistical and machine learning tools to support decisions and derive insights fro...

Domain Knowledge: Human Resources

This microspecialization aims to train learners in the application of knowledge, tools, and insights related to human resources. Graduates should be able to leverage labor, workforce, or HR data in designing and improving recruitment and talent development processes.

Domain Knowledge: Urban Planning

This microspecialization aims to train learners in the application of knowledge, tools, and insights related to urban planning. Graduates are expected to exhibit knowledge and greater appreciation of urban planning in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, the opportunities and challenges...

Data Governance

This microspecialization seeks to train learners in the development and implementation of data management strategies and governance, incorporation of privacy and data security, policies and regulations, and ethical considerations. Graduates of this microspecialization are expected to be aware and co...

Operational Analytics

Data Visualization

This microspecialization focuses on training learners in the creation and communication of compelling and actionable insights from data using visualization and presentation tools and technologies. Graduates are expected to be capable of preparing data visualization reports or narratives based on pro...

Research Methods

Statistical Techniques

This microspecialization trains learners in the application of statistical concepts and methodologies to data analysis. Graduates are expected to be capable of preparing and inspecting data to be used with specific statistical methods and tools, and statistically test hypotheses.


Methods and Algorithms

Public Policy and Governance

This microspecialization seeks to train learners in the development and implementation of data management strategies and governance, incorporation of privacy and data security, policies and regulations, and ethical considerations. Graduates of this microspecialization are expected to be aware and co...